NIBE are in the process of closing down the old NIBE Uplink API used by their F-series heat pumps. Customers are being invited to migrate to the newer myUplink API service instead, which has always been used by the S-series heat pumps.
Both APIs are broadly comparable, but different. In particular, they both require OAuth2 API Authentication which can be problematic for people not familiar with it. (The myUplink API adds a further, simpler ‘flavour’ of OAuth2 which holds the prospect of being easier to use – but also risks adding confusion.)
I have adapted the earlier Technical Article on calling the NIBE Uplink API from Python scripts into a new Technical Article: NIBE Heat Pump Monitoring via myUplink API (also from Python scripts).
New Technical Article: NIBE Heat Pump Monitoring via myUplink API by Marsh Flatts Farm Self Build Diary is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.