Week 50, Day 4

Week 50, Day 4:

  • The new plasterboard on the Living Room ceiling got installed as planned; due for skimming tomorrow and then the coving can go back up
Week 50, Day 4

Week 50, Day 4

Living Room ceiling re-boarded and ready for plaster skim coat

Living Room ceiling re-boarded and ready for plaster skim coat

Week 50, Day 3

Week 50, Day 3:

  • Having decided that the best way to get the Living Room ceiling flat and level was to replace the plasterboard using metal studs carefully levelled under the existing joists and then skim the new boards the old boards had to come down
  • The steel steps on the staircases that needed adjusting were re-welded
Week 50, Day 3

Week 50, Day 3

Living Room ceiling plasterboard removed in preparation for re-boarding

Living Room ceiling plasterboard removed in preparation for re-boarding

Steel steps re-welded

Steel steps re-welded