Week 24, Day 1:
- Easter Monday Bank Holiday so not really a working day but the build team were on site while the scaffolders (re-)added boards to the middle lift of scaffolding and removed a section of scaffolding at the western end to provide access for installing the windows and external doors
- The photo shows how the temporary blue cover on the roof got blown off thanks to Storm Kate though it was nothing like as bad in Derbyshire as in the south of England
It seems that my automatic upload of the time-lapse photos to WordPress broke when the clocks went forward, so apologies for the auto-generated posts that said simply PLACEHOLDER since the weekend.
I’m deliberately naming the photo files with a UTC timestamp, so the photo above has filename 20160328T1600Z.jpg (16:00 UTC or “zulu” time on 28th March 2016) though the timestamp on the image (added automatically by the camera) says 17:00. The problem was that the photo file hadn’t been copied to the WordPress server when the scheduled job ran to insert the photo into the PLACEHOLDER post, since it was looking for the 16:00 filename (only actually written at 17:00) at 16:30. It doesn’t help that the server hosting WordPress is in Germany, and uses Central European time; that’s my excuse anyway.