Week 28, Day 5

Week 28, Day 5:

  • The first section of cedar cladding installed on the southern end of the east elevation
  • Continuing to prepare the second floor for plasterboard, installing the vapour-tight membrane under the roof and an air-tight membrane on the gable walls, then installing battens to form a service void and to take the plasterboard
  • More first-fix plumbing and electrical
Week 28, Day 5

Week 28, Day 5

Wider view from main camera location

Wider view from main camera location

First section of cedar cladding on eastern elevation

First section of cedar cladding on eastern elevation

Office with vapour and air tight membranes

Office with vapour and air tight membranes

Week 28, Day 4

Week 28, Day 4:

  • A wetter day, so more work inside than outside
  • More work on preparing the second floor for plasterboard
  • More first fix of electrical and plumbing
Week 28, Day 4

Week 28, Day 4

Partition wall between Plant Room and double-height Master Bedroom

Partition wall between Plant Room and double-height Master Bedroom

Example of hot and cold water pipework

Example of hot and cold water pipework

The hot water pipework to basins is 12mm Uponor MLCP with black Armaflex insulation. The aluminium layer in the MLCP sandwich means these pipes tend to stay where they’re bent to – hence the ends tend to be straight rather than curly. The cold water pipework is  standard 15mm PEX with grey Climaflex insulation; no aluminium layer.