Week 49, Day 4:
- Mostly completing the commissioning of the intruder- and fire-alarm systems
- Some issues getting the CSL DualCom GradeShift unit to connect to the monitoring centre (EMCS) using an analogue telephone line in parallel with the mobile phone network in order to ensure a reliable connection
- The unit is connected to a Cisco/LinkSys Analogue Telephone Adapter (ATA) which in turn connects to a Voice-Over-IP (VOIP) service which was expected to present a good-enough analogue telephone interface but something isn’t working right
- It’s not currently clear whether it’s a simple configuration issue or whether it really does need a “proper” analogue telephone line (in which case it might be best to swap over to an IP network connection for the alternative communication path)
- More work on the lighting drivers, connecting up most of the remaining circuits
- More work on the finishing touches on the inside – e.g. skirting boards in the Open Plan area