Week 4, Day 4

Week 4, Day 4:

  • The wet weather is back, which means:
    • The quality of the site overview photos is affected (water droplets on the lens).
    • It’s not possible to use electric tools outside (which means holes can’t be drilled in the foundation concrete to fix the steel columns).
    • Using any of the vehicles away from the hard-standing tends to turn the soil to mud.
  • Despite the poor weather, work started on marking out for and laying the concrete blocks to form the cavity walls for below the ground floor.
Week 4, Day 4

Week 4, Day 4

The first section of blockwork

The first section of cavity-wall blockwork, at the south-east corner. All of this will be below floor level.

Ancon TeploTie cavity wall ties

Ancon TeploTie cavity wall ties, made from basalt fibres set in a resin matrix for much lower thermal conductivity than normal stainless steel cavity ties.