Week 55, Day 3

Week 55, Day 3:

  • A site meeting with the Architects, starting to create a list of “snagging” items for the interior and to agree the way forward for the Retaining Wall to the north of the house
  • More work on the oak boards which will cover the fixings for the glass balustrades on the landings (rather than on the stair steps)
  • Finally taking delivery of the correct “Swiss Round” lock cylinder for the front door, 7 months after the door was installed
    • This has been something of a saga with the main lesson being that if someone at the door supplier mistakenly specifies a “Round” (rather than a “Euro”) cylinder on an Internorm door – especially one with electric locking – then get that corrected before the order is placed
Week 55, Day 3

Week 55, Day 3

Fixings for glass balustrades on landings

Fixings for glass balustrades on landings

"Swiss Round" door lock cylinder in front door

“Swiss Round” door lock cylinder in front door