Week 8, Day 2

Week 8, Day 2:

  • While there’s not a huge amount of visible progress apparent since yesterday’s photo (apart from the evidence of more rain) it’s possible to make out some black rectangles which are the vents for the under-foor void. See the photo further down this Post, taken later in the week.
Week 8, Day 2

Week 8, Day 2

One of the vents for the void between the oversite concrete and the beam-and-block floor

One of the vents for the void between the oversite concrete and the beam-and-block floor

The standard vent kits are designed for a narrower cavity so some adjustments were required.

Week 8, Day 1

Week 8, Day 1:

  • The first frost of the year, following a cold and windy weekend. The weather is forecast to get warmer (with some more rain, of course) and to stay that way for a couple of weeks which could be worse for building the walls, whereas frost would be more of a problem.
  • More deliveries:
    • The two missing concrete floor beams arrived first thing in the morning
    • Yet another delivery of concrete blocks arrived soon after
  • With the missing floor beams in place the remaining flooring blocks could be installed, so now the ground floor is completely finished.
Week 8, Day 1

Week 8, Day 1